Passenger Information | Onboard Service
When onboard the aircraft, a headset with microphone for in-flight communication with other passengers and the pilot(s) will be provided.
Just remember to speak clearly and slowly. The microphone is voice activated so a little tip is to begin your speech with a vocal noise (eg. like clearing your throat) and then begin to speak immediately.
It may require a little practice but after a few goes you’ll get used to it. You’ll soon notice that if others don’t practice this simple technique the first couple of words they say are cut off.
Helistar Cambodia has a stringent safety policy adopting world’s best practices. Qualified expatriate pilots who have accumulated extensive experience of Cambodian flight operations, terrain, flight paths and safe landing locations. Helistar Cambodia is dedicated to excellence and progressive expansion.
Helistar Cambodia takes maximum precautionary measures in order to deliver safe and efficient services at all times.

5 reasons you should select Helistar Cambodia, Cambodia Helicopter Operator
When you choose to take a helicopter flight, you want the best. These are some of the reasons why Helistar Cambodia is your best choice:
1/ Top Safety Record
Helistar Cambodia has the top safety record of any tourism-based aviation company in Cambodia.
2/ “SAFETY FIRST” Slogan
The Helistar Cambodia management believes in the “SAFETY FIRST” slogan, that is why our utmost goal is to attain a zero accident helicopter operation. The company employs only highly experienced, competent and factory trained (Airbus Helicopter Training Academy) foreign helicopter engineers. Helistar Cambodia has a maintenance hangar in Phnom Penh where it keeps spare parts, equipment and tooling for their helicopter fleet.
3/ Air Operators Certificate from Civil Aviation
Helistar Cambodia operates under its own Air Operators Certificate (AOC). Helistar Cambodia undergoes stringent compliance audits with the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation and has a Director of Flight Operation onsite overseeing all flying operations.
4/ TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence
Helistar Cambodia awarded TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence for Eight Consecutive Years.
5/ Customer Service
Helistar Cambodia strives to deliver the highest levels of customer service in the tourism and aviation industry. With dedicated staff for operations, road transfers and flying roles we are always available to provide a smooth and memorable experience from start to finish.